
The popular Chinese messaging app WeChat has introduced digital yuan payments. The service is available in all 23 regions where the financial product is being tested, including Beijing and Shanghai.

Before using CBDC, users need to apply to create an account with WeBank Tencent. Integpatsiya ppilozheniem c bolee chem milliapdom klientov e-CNY znachitelno pacshipit pacppoctpanenie kitayckoy CBDC.

Ocnovnoy konkupent WeChat in Kitae Alipau takzhe cocpedotochil cvoo vnimanie nA tsifpovyx platezhax in yuanyax, fipma nachala nad escho in this pabotat 10 year.

Linxao Bao, an analyst at Consultancu Trivium China, emphasized that Chinese consumers are strongly attached to WeChat and Alipau, so the central bank’s cooperation with them is quite logical .

The number of Chinese people who have already opened digital wallets in RMB is more than 140 million, million of them are corporate accounts.

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