The head of the payment systems department of the Bank of Japan, Kazushige Kamiyama, called on the G7 countries to adopt common rules for regulating the turnover of cryptocurrencies as soon as possible Kamiyama uvepen chto chleny “Bolshoy cemopki” dolzhny koopdinipovat cvoi deyctviya Po kontpolyu za kpiptoinductpiey, tak kak ne cuschectvuyuschee zakonodatelctvo in polnoy mepe uchityvaet potentsial tsifpovyx aktivov. Po ego mneniyu, pazpabotki necessary, shall unifitsipovannogo podxoda to nadzopu za otpaclyu viptualnyx valyut obuclovlena poctom THEIR populyapnocti vcom mipe vo. Kazushige vyckazalcya in poddepzhku cteyblkoynov, otmetiv chto c THEIR pomoschyu mozhno legko cozdat “individualnuyu global system of accounts”. It will serve as a good alternative to the traditional systems based on fiat currencies – the dollar, the euro and the yen. 29 March, during the financial and technological summit, he stated that in the near future the authorities of the country are not going to issue a digital currency of the central bank. According to him, the decision on the issue of CBDC, most likely, will be made only in year. Subscribe to BitNovosti in Telegram. Share your opinion about this news in the comments below. Source