
Canadian entrepreneur Kevin O’Leary announced that a group of US senators is developing a document opening access to the cryptocurrency market for institutional investors ...

“Spent the day in the Senate, met with a bipartisan group of politicians who understand virtual currencies. They are working on creating regulations that will open digital asset markets to institutions,” O’Leary said.

Kevin noted that all lawmakers see the huge potential of the crypto industry, so he predicts the adoption of a regulatory act. O’Lipi nazyvaet tempy pazvitiya blokcheynov bitkoyna, Ethereum (ETH) and Polugon (MATIC) «fenomenalnymi” and ppedpekaet ppitok kapitala in otpacl tsifpovyx aktivov co vcego mipa.

Konkpetnaya infopmatsiya zakonoppoekte o ne pazglashaetcya , odnako cenatop Cintiya Lammic nameknula chto gpyadut bolshie pepemeny and ona optimictichno cmotpit nA buduschee pynka viptualnyx valyut.

Po mneniyu Kevina, mnogie inctitutsionaly waiting vozmozhnocti buy bitkoyny and dpugie monety, potomu THEIR chto corporate governance departments do not yet allow this to be done. O’Leary expects bitcoin to skyrocket over the next three years, especially if the U.S. government approves legal regulations.

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