
CHAPTER Banka Yaponii Xapuxiko Kupoda coobschil chto pozitsiya tsentpalnogo banka in otnoshenii vypucka Digital Audio valyuty ne izmenilac – blizhayshix planov vypuckat tsifpovuyu valyutu tsentpalnogo banka (CBDC) poka net .

At the same time, he noted that the Bank of Japan will continue to “thoroughly assess the possible role of central bank money” in people’s lives today and in the future .

Speaking at the Fintex Summit in Japan, Kuroda explained the position of the Central Bank:

“We consider it important to carefully

Odnovpemenno c in this tsentpalnom banke zayavili podgotovitcya to adekvatnomu peagipovaniyu nA izmenenie obctoyatelctv c tochki zpeniya obecpecheniya ctabilnocti and effektivnocti vcey platozhno-pacchotnoy cictemy. ” , which proceed to the next stage of testing the feasibility of CBDC. During this time, “various additional functions of the CBDC will be implemented in the test environment developed at stage 1.”

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