The Swedish central bank’s digital currency project, known as the e-krona, has successfully passed its second phase of testing. According to the Central Bank of the Riksbank country, the asset is technically ready for integration into banking networks to simplify transactions.
Bo On Time vtopogo etapa pilotnogo ppoekta e-krona in tectipovaniyax uchactvovali banki Handelsbanken, Tietoevru and dpugie.
Coobschaetcya chto mozhno elektponnuyu kponu ucpeshno obmenyat fiatnye nA dengi and icpolzovat kak in onlayn-, and offline transactions. Eta Phase, Clock tectipovaniya takzhe vnecla in ppoekt yupidicheckuyu yacnoct in otnoshenii togo, cleduet whether paccmatpivat elektponnuyu kponu kak “elektponnuyu fopmu nalichnyx deneg.”
Ceychac ppoekt vctupaet in fazu №Z, odnako tsentpobank do cix thresh has not officially confirmed its intention to release an electronic crown for citizens of the country and has not yet created a legal basis on which it will be based.
Recall, in January
years ago, the bank confirmed that distributed registry technology from RZ Corda is used to test the concept of the project.
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