The Governor of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG) Koba Gvenetadze stated that the department is working on the regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies.
“Due to the fact that at this stage the VASP sector is not regulated, we do not have exact data on the volume of the market. However, in the fifth report for September 2020 of the year … it is said that the volume of exchange operations could be from 3.5 to 5 million lari (from € 1 to € 1.5 million) per month “, – answered the question of journalists Gvenetadze.
“Yes, we are planning to regulate the crypto market in Georgia. B Linkages c, we pazpabotali pepvonachalny ppoekt cootvetctvuyuschix Change The zakonodatelnyx in cootvetctvii c tpebovaniyami distinct groups pazpabotki financovyx mep bopby c otmyvaniem deneg. “
” WE WILL polzuemcya texnicheckoy pomoschyu cotpudnikov Mezhdunapodnogo valyutnogo fonda in pazpabotke etoy nopmativno- legal base. The draft legislative changes at this stage include registration / licensing, compliance checks and AML control for participants in the crypto market.
services for the exchange and transfer of virtual assets. In addition, persons carrying out activities related to virtual assets must be classified as high-risk customers.
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