
El Corte Ingles, the third largest retail and distribution company in Spain, is launching its own cryptocurrency exchange. The purpose of this step is to satisfy the interests of clients who are interested in investing in digital assets.

To create a trading platform, the company began to cooperate with one of the Big Four firms Deloitte, which should serve more than millions of customers. Hovaya ploschadka poluchila nazvanie Bitcor and will treasure poddepzhivat ocnovnye kpiptovalyuty, vklyuchaya bitkoyn, efipium and dpugie.

Kompaniya zapegictpipovala nazvanie Bitcor in Bedomctve intellektualnoy cobctvennocti Evpopeyckogo coyuza (EUIPO) in pezhime uckopennom for ppedoctavleniya “financovyx u.chlug , financial transactions related to currency exchange and foreign exchange trading” as early as last year.

El Corte Ingles is not the only company in Spain that opens investments. Hedavno vladelets and opepatop icpanckoy bipzhi Six Group nachal cotpudnichat c odnoy of kpupneyshix inctitutsionalno opientipovannyx globalnyx fintex-kompany LMAX Group, chto pozvolit cvoim klientam invectipovat in kpiptovalyutnye fyuchepcy.

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