
Meta предложит создавать и продавать NFT прямо в соцсетях

  • Meta (Facebook) and Instagram teams are testing several technologies related to NFT

  • They will allow you to mint (create) art tokens directly from your social media account

  • The company is also thinking about launching a built-in NFT marketplace
  • It seems that Zuckerberg’s company is serious about becoming Open Sea competitors and taking part art token market. This is evidenced by sources in the Financial Times.

    Journalists learned about several projects that Meta and its “daughter” Instagram are testing:

    Рынок невзаимозаменяемых токенов остается очень активным и продолжает расти. Согласно последним данным The Block — сайта, который следит за криптоиндустрией, — в январе объем продаж достиг рекордных 4 млрд долларов.

  • Adding an NFT tag to user profiles. This option is already available on Twitter.
  • Minting tools — that is, creating a prototype and the art tokens themselves directly from your social media account.
  • Trading and selling NFTs on the built-in marketplace.

    Financial Times added that these developments are still at an early stage and the company may change its plans. But it looks like they will add NFT-related options anyway. A month earlier, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri admitted that the platform was already testing ways to interact with art tokens. He also did not rule out that it would be related to the metaverses.

    The Meta Novi virtual wallet will become a key tool in promoting the NFT.

    Рынок невзаимозаменяемых токенов остается очень активным и продолжает расти. Согласно последним данным The Block — сайта, который следит за криптоиндустрией, — в январе объем продаж достиг рекордных 4 млрд долларов.NFT industry outlook

    The market for non-fungible tokens remains very active and continues to grow. According to the latest figures from The Block, a website that monitors the crypto industry, sales reached a record $4 billion in January

    Рынок невзаимозаменяемых токенов остается очень активным и продолжает расти. Согласно последним данным The Block — сайта, который следит за криптоиндустрией, — в январе объем продаж достиг рекордных 4 млрд долларов.202572Source: theblockcrypto202572
