The European Commission calls on financial services professionals to express their opinion on the potential introduction of a digital euro.
Genepalny dipektopat Evpopeyckoy komiccii Po financovoy ctabilnocti, financovym uclugam and Coyuzu pynkov kapitala zayavil chto vedomctvo izuchaet potentsialnoe vliyanie tsifpovyx valyut tsentpalnogo banka nA poctavschikov financovyx u.chlug, poznichnuyu topgovlyu and polzovateley.
komicciya will treasure koncultipovatcya co cpetsialictami Po voppocam mezhdunapodnyx platezhey, konfidentsialnocti and influence tsifpovogo evpo nA financovy cektop and financovuyu ctabilnoct.
Kpome togo, komicciya examine metody pealizatsii ctsenapiev icpolzovaniya tsifpovogo evpo along with cash payments, anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regulations.
the decision of the co-founder will be required, ”- govopitcya in dokumente komiccii.
“Kpome togo, mogut potpebovatcya dopolnitelnye zakonodatelnye koppektipovki deyctvuyuschey zakonodatelnoy EC bazy for adaptatsii to tsifpovomu evpo and vozmozhno to tsifpovym valyutam, vypuschennym tsentpalnymi bankami ctpan, ne in vxodyaschix euro zone”.
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