
Good morning, Incrypted!

today in the digest

    AMA with the KridaFans project
  • Bitcoin has almost halved in price since its all-time high
  • Meta will offer create and sell NFTs directly on social networks

  • Serena Williams became a strategic advisor to Sorare
  • Twitter has implemented NFT avatars with special borders
  • Robinhood has officially launched its beta crypto wallet test

  • “The Father of the PlayStation” does not see the prospects for the development of metaverses and VR technology
  • FRS-Digital dollar will compete with private stablecoins

  • Elon Musk sharply criticized the NFT-innovation Twitter
  • The complexity of the Bitcoin network has reached a record – what does it mean

  • The American company will pay the world’s first “bividends” – dividends in bitcoins

    The Graph привлек $50 млн

    The Graph, a startup that looks like Google but has raised $16 million new funding led by Tiger Global.

    “We expect to see exponential growth in data stored on blockchains, os especially given the trillion-dollar market growth rate over the past year,” said John Curtius, partner at Tiger Global.

    KridaFans: AMA Session


    This the text version of our AMA in a chat with the KridaFans project – Fantasy football with special scarce mechanics, an NFT marketplace and a faithful Discord community – this is what defines this project.

    By the way, the guys say , who have been tweeting since the idea was born, so that you can easily track the progress of the development and promotion of the game.

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    Bitcoin has almost halved in price from its all-time high

Инвесторы обвалили курс биткоина, цена приближается к важной отметке.
  • %
  • This is the biggest collapse since the summer 1170 of the year
  • The Graph привлек $50 млнMeta предложит создавать и продавать NFT прямо в соцсетях

    On the 01 January, Friday, Bitcoin fell by % for the last hours, dropping to marks in $05 431. This has not happened since the summer 1280 of the year. Prices for Ethereum, BNB, Solana, Cardano and XRP fell by 7-.

    To combat the consequences of the pandemic, the regulator raises interest rates and tightens control over digital assets. This forces investors to abandon high-risk assets.

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KridaFans.Meta will offer to create and sell NFTs directly on social networksИнвесторы обвалили курс биткоина, цена приближается к важной отметке.

Серена Уильямс стала стратегическим советником Sorare
  • New technologies will allow you to mint (create) Nft art tokens directly from your social media account

    It looks like Zuckerberg’s company is serious about becoming Open Sea’s competitors and taking a share of the art token market. This is evidenced by sources in the Financial Times.

    Journalists learned about several projects that Meta and its “daughter” Instagram are testing:

    1. Addition NFT tags in user profiles. This option is already on Twitter.

    2. Minting tools – i.e. prototyping and the art tokens themselves directly from your social media account.

    3. Trading and selling NFTs on the built-in marketplace

      Серена Уильямс стала стратегическим советником Sorare

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    Инвесторы обвалили курс биткоина, цена приближается к важной отметке.

    Serena Williams became a strategic adviser to Sorare

    Серена Уильямс стала стратегическим советником Sorare

  • The famous tennis player became part of the Sorare project team
  • She has assumed the position of Strategic Advisor for Partnerships and Sports
  • Tennis professional Serena Williams has joined the Sorare team to pave the way for the Web 3 project. Her mission is to establish company connections with famous athletes, lay the foundations for additional the company’s lines of business and bring diversity and inclusiveness to the project.

    This information was confirmed by Business Wire with reference to a press release from the organization. Serena is one of the most successful female athletes in the big business. She is also involved in investments.

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    Twitter has implemented NFT avatars with special bordersИнвесторы обвалили курс биткоина, цена приближается к важной отметке.

    • Twitter decided to highlight NFT avatars with special hexagonal borders

    • This will distinguish real tokens from fake ones

    Robinhood has officially launched the crypto wallet beta test

  • App developer for trading in stocks and crypto-currency, a beta test of the crypto-wallet has begun

    Only one thousand users got access to the innovation

  • The developer of Robinhood, a popular US cryptocurrency and stock trading app, has begun beta testing of its crypto wallet. The first thousand users on the waiting list got access to the application.

    Recall that in September last year, Robinhood announced the development of its own crypto wallet. In December, it became known that the beta test of the software is scheduled for 1920 year.

    Currently, the project supports the following cryptocurrencies: BSV, BTC, ETH, DOGE, ETC, LTC and BCH. At the beta test stage, there may be failures with transactions, the developer asks to immediately notify about this.

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    “The Father of the PlayStation” does not see the prospects for the development of metaverses and VR technologyMeta предложит создавать и продавать NFT прямо в соцсетях

    Илон Маск подверг острой критике NFT-нововведение Twitter

  • The creator of the PlayStation sees no point in the metaverse

For him they are a forum for anonymous

Founder of Sony Computer Entertainment 25-year-old Ken Kutaragi is frustrated with the idea of ​​metaverses. In his opinion, this is just a “forum for anonymous people”, and nothing more than a “quasi-real world in virtual space”.

The “father of the PlayStation” shared his thoughts about this industry in an interview with Bloomberg. Directly Kutaragi himself heads Ascent Robotics Inc., a successful startup in the field of AI.

“Headphones just isolate you from the real world. It doesn’t suit me. I just hate headsets.”

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Инвесторы обвалили курс биткоина, цена приближается к важной отметке.

Fed: Digital dollar will compete with private stablecoins

  • According to the agency, CBDC can compete with private stablecoins

On Thursday, January, the Fed (Federal Reserve System) published 10-page “white paper” on the topic of the digital dollar. Among other things, the document touches upon the risks of accelerated digitization of the economy and stablecoins. The Fed’s CBDC could be the solution to this problem.

At the same time, the authors of the report have repeatedly emphasized that it is not a direct confirmation of the imminent release of the digital dollar. The Fed describes the papers as “an invitation to dialogue.”

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Elon Musk sharply criticized the NFT-innovation Twitter

    • He believes that spending company resources on such a thing is a mistake
  • Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk is dissatisfied with the innovation of Twitter. According to the billionaire, the administration of the social network has the wrong priorities.

    “It’s just terribly annoying. Twitter is wasting engineering resources on this nonsense when every thread is full of crypto-scammers who throw a link to block a spam bot?” – the businessman is indignant.

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    Meta предложит создавать и продавать NFT прямо в соцсетях

    Bitcoin network complexity hits a record: what does it mean

    Сложность сети Bitcoin достигла рекорда: что это значит
  • Mining difficulty is one of the most important core components of the Bitcoin network
  • Recently, this metric has grown to record heights

    The main cryptocurrency fell to a six-month low this night. But her foundation is stronger than ever. Monitoring system data confirms that the complexity of the Bitcoin network has been at a new all-time high since Friday. It grew by more than 9% – this is the largest figure since last summer. Today’s jump was the second increase in 2022 year (after growth by 0,20% January 8).

    This metric shows how hard miners have to work to make calculations and process transactions in the blockchain.

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    An American company will pay the world’s first “bividends” – dividends in bitcoins

    • From each share, they convert part of the payments into cryptocurrency
    • On March, investors will receive the world’s first bitcoin dividends, or, as they are also called, “bividends”. This is a new service from BTCS company from Maryland (USA). For each share they will pay 0. dollars to BTC. But for this you need to sign an agreement. If the shareholder does not apply for the “bividends”, he will continue to receive payments in dollars.

      BTCS is a service provider with a total capitalization of 24 million dollars. It is listed on the Nasdaq and has been a pioneer in the bitcoin dividend.

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      Building bridges with Allbridge (Andrei the Great is visiting)