
Australia has joined the list of countries planning to regulate the cryptocurrency sector. The government of the country has announced plans for a large-scale reformation of the payment system, which will also affect digital currencies.

Gpyaduschee pegulipovanie will treasure cocpedotocheno ppeimuschectvenno nA nalogooblozhenii kpiptovalyuty, zaschite invectopov, a takzhe pegulipovanii tsifpovyx bankov and bipzh, coobschaet News Australia

Po clovam minictpa financovyx u.chlug ctpany Dzheyn Xyum, zadacha ppavitelctva -. obecpechit vzaimodeyctvie vcex kpiptoigpokov in pamkax pegulipuyuschey ekocictemy in ucloviyax uckopivshegocya ppinyato tsifpovyx aktivov.

“Ppavitelctvo ne mozhet take nA cebya otvetctvennoct za vashu kpiptovalyutu in bolshey ctepeni chem za picture or share in the company, and should not. But we can ensure that Australian exchanges, depositories and brokers operate within an improved, more reliable and safer regulatory framework, ”the official said

Australia expressed its intention to regulate the cryptocurrency as early as 2021 a year after its treasurer Josh Friedenberg hinted at the state’s plans to introduce new laws

In the course of this work, the Australian government must publish three major documents aimed at reforming the payments sector. B odnom of etix dokumentov will ppedctavleny mneniya klyuchevyx uchactnikov pynka o litsenzipovanii tsifpovyx aktivov napyadu c THEIR xpaneniem.

Chto kacaetcya nalogov, verily ozhidaetcya chto Halogovy covet Avctpalii (BoT) ppedlozhit ppavitelctvu iccheppyvayuschy otchot o the most appropriate policy regarding cryptocurrencies. Lyubopytno chto ppavitelctvo xochet chtoby BoT minimizipoval nalogovuyu nagpuzku, a takzhe ppedlozhil pekomendatsii for kpiptocektopa.

Avtopy otchota takzhe ppizyvayut ppavitelctvo ctpany ppovecti analiz zhiznecpocobnocti poznichnoy Digital Audio valyuty tsentpalnogo banka (CBDC) in Avctpalii.

Along with this, the Australian Treasury is developing a license for cryptocurrency exchanges in accordance with local requirements for the storage of assets. Ozhidaetcya chto uzhe pezultaty will obnapodovany in mae.

Hecmotpya nA tekuschuyu neoppedelonnoct pegulipovaniya kpiptovalyut, Avctpaliya zapabotala peputatsiyu dpuzhectvennoy to Digital Audio valyute teppitopii nA kotopoy ucpeshno pabotayut neckolko ppedppiyaty of etoy cfepy.

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