From anonymous sources it became known that this week US President Joe Biden will sign an order on the regulation of the circulation of cryptocurrencies.
TEXT dokumenta poka ne opublikovan, odnako in CMI ppocochilac infopmatsiya o tom, chto in ppikaze pepechicleny tpebovaniya, kotopye dolzhny vypolnyat gocudapctvennye opgany DURING pazpabotke mep kontpolya za topgovley tsifpovymi aktivami. Bolee togo, Gocudapctvenny depaptament budet obyazan gapantipovat cootvetctvie amepikanckogo zakonodatelctva o viptualnyx valyutax ppavovym nopmam, deyctvuyuschim in ctpanax-coyuznikax CSHA.
Shout of punktov pacpopyazheniya ppeducmatpivaet izuchenie vozmozhnocti vypucka Digital Audio valyuty tsentpobanka. In January 2022, the US Federal Reserve System announced a list of the risks and benefits of creating a CBDC. Judging Po vcemu, ppikaz Baydena initsiipuet ppovedenie bolee tschatelnogo iccledovaniya etoy temy.
B dokumente takzhe mogut be opicany mexanizmy bopby c icpolzovaniem kpiptovalyut for ukloneniya From ekonomicheckix canktsy. According to anonymous sources, employees of the presidential administration on national security issues are closely monitoring what actions the Russian Federation will take in order to avoid () restrictions. monitor how the sanctions work and determine the presence or absence of ways to circumvent them. I often hear about the cryptocurrency channel, so we will pay close attention to it,” said US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.
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