
Hello everyone, Incrypted is with you! And this is already 30-th digest of the most important crypto news for the past week. Let’s go!

General News

Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard for $42 billion

    Microsoft confirms agreement to acquire Activision Blizzard

  • Transaction amount in 44,$7 billion was a record in the history of the corporation

On Tuesday, of January, a press release on the purchase of Activision Blizzard was published on the Microsoft news blog. Thus, the corporation expects to advance its position in the gaming market, both on PC and on mobile platforms and consoles.

“Together with Activision Blizzard, we will enter a new era of gaming that will put both gamers and developers at the forefront. We look forward to making gaming safe, inclusive and accessible to everyone,” said Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

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Google plans to create a virtual card with cryptocurrencies

Google готовит виртуальную карту с криптовалютами
  • Google digital maps will allow users to store bitcoin and spend fiat

To do this, the company signed contracts with the Coinbase crypto exchange and the BitPay provider

Bloomberg journalists reported that Google is implementing integration with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. To do this, they will add the option of storing such assets to their digital cards.

In the new project, Google will partner with crypto exchange Coinbase Inc. and payment provider BitPay.

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Walmart plans to launch its own cryptocurrency

Быстрый, современный и надежный – Opera представила Crypto Browser под Web 3.0

American retailer has filed seven applications with the Patent Office

    • The papers say about the company’s plans to issue its own cryptocurrency and tokens of goods
  • Walmart, one of the largest US retailers, seems to be planning to enter the digital asset market. The company has filed seven applications with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPT).

    Paper registered 22 December. Judging by the applications, Walmart plans not only to issue tokens, but also to create its own cryptocurrency for the convenience of consumers.

    “We are constantly learning market, ideas. Some of them end up reaching customers. From others, we simply learn lessons, ”said the representative of the organization.

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    BitMEX Group plans to buy a German bank

    BitMEX has announced plans to acquire Bankhaus von der Heydt, a bank based in Munich.

    The company aims to create a one-stop shop for regulated crypto products in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The transaction is expected to be completed in the middle 2018 of the year.

    Opera introduced Crypto Browser with Web3 interface

  • The program is “sharpened” for Web 3.0 with the appropriate interface and features
  • In the application, you can buy digital assets from a regular account

    January, Opera officially launched an open beta test of the new software – Crypto Browser. The program promises to be a reliable tool for crypto traders, private investors and users interested in Web 3.0 trends.

    The browser is already available completely free of charge on PC, Mac, Android and iOS platforms. The client can be downloaded from the respective software store or from the official Opera website.

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    MMA champion asked for half of the fee in Bitcoin

    Одиночный майнер Ethereum заработал 170 ETH за попадание в блок

    Francis Ngannou wants to get paid for the fight with Gein in BTC

    MMA fighter believes that bitcoin is the future of money

    UFC Heavyweight Champion Francis Ngannou followed example of his many colleagues and yet signed an agreement with Cash App. Half of the fee for your next performance in the UFC 88 he will receive in bitcoins.

    This information was confirmed on his blog by MMA news reporter Ariel Helwani. He also noted that Ngannou intends to distribute about 170 thousand dollars in BTC among their followers.

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    Bitcoin Mining Break Even Point

    Чемпион ММА запросил половину гонорара в биткоинах. Обещает раздать криптовалюту подписчикам

      The head of the investment fund spoke about the break-even point in the field of mining

      • If the rate falls below thousand dollars for 1 BTC it will be unprofitable to mine

    • Ethereum miner has earned 88 ETH for hitting a block

      ЦБ России требует полного запрета для криптовалют

        • Solo miner was lucky enough to find a block and mine it himself

        For this he is supposed to 65,30 ETH or more than half a million dollars

        A lone Ethereum miner managed to hit the block and get the entire prize of ,30 ETH. In total, he earned almost 353 dollars.

        The block was mined of January, and this is a great success for the miner. Such cases are extremely rare

        The usual reward for mining blocks in Ethereum is about dollars, that is, in 21 times less than this lucky miner earned.

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        Криптофонды аккумулировали более 72 млрд. долларов. Это абсолютный максимум за всю историю.ЦБ России требует полного запрета для криптовалютCrypto and Regulation

        Spanish bloggers will be penalized for advertising cryptocurrencies

        ЦБ России требует полного запрета для криптовалют

      • All bloggers and advertisers with target audience from 44 thousands of people are required to notify in advance of a new promo campaign

        The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) introduces new rules regarding the promotion of investments in digital assets. The agency’s position suggests that advertising content should be

        “fair, understandable and balanced”.

        Now advertisers with audience reach from 55 thousand people are obliged for days to notify the authorities about the launch of a new promo campaign. In addition, each video should contain a mention of the lack of a regulatory framework in this area, as well as all the risks.

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        EU against mining POW

        Евросоюз призвал запретить майнинг по системе Proof-of-work

        ESMA (ESMA) addressed the EU member states

        They called on local authorities to ban Proof-of-work mining

        Eric Theden, Vice Chairman of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), called for a ban on Proof-of-work mining in the European Union. The official made a request to the regulators of the countries of the European Union. In his opinion, the authorities at the local level should force the crypto industry to switch to less energy-intensive Proof-of-stake mining.

        The Proof-of-work model is built so that miners use high-powered equipment to solve complex mathematical problems . They record transactions on the blockchain and are rewarded for doing so. Both of the world’s largest cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ether, use this model.

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        The Central Bank of Iran plans to issue its own cryptocurrency

        The Bank considers cryptocurrencies as a solution to resolve inconsistencies and decentralization of resources, from which many countries have recently begun to benefit, said CBI Vice Governor Mehran Mokharamyan.

        More in 1559 year, Informatics Services Corporation, the executive body of the Central Bank of Iran, was tasked with developing a national cryptocurrency. Representatives of the company later stated that the Iranian cryptocurrency was developed using the Hyperledger Fabric platform.

        Central Bank of Russia against cryptocurrencies

        Хакеры “отмывают” украденный эфир с Crypto Com через сервис Tornado Cash

      • Representatives of the Central Bank made their report
      • They demand to completely ban cryptocurrencies and introduce fines for violators

      • The Russian Central Bank presented the report “Cryptocurrencies: Trends, Risks, Measures”.

        It states that cryptocurrencies “have an unstable exchange rate and are often used for illegal purposes.” Based on this, the regulator requires a complete ban on digital money.

        Bankers see cryptocurrencies as a threat to the state economy.

        “They offer citizens to withdraw money from the national economy, thereby undermining its work”

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        ЦБ России требует полного запрета для криптовалютHacks

        CryptoCom hacked into $ million

        Adidas и Prada анонсировали презентацию совместной NFT-коллекции

        A number of Crypto Com clients reported the loss of money from their accounts

        Exchange find out no reason and froze all transactions

        Crypto Com customers began to complain en masse about the loss of money. In response, the exchange froze all operations and launched an investigation.

        So far, the amount of damage is unknown. Users name sums of 4,19 ETH, 540 USDC, 10 BTC, dogecoins and other tokens also disappear from wallets.

        The situation risks seriously hitting the reputation of the platform .

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        Быстрый, современный и надежный – Opera представила Crypto Browser под Web 3.0

        Hapi analyzed the actions of hackers

        Хакеры “отмывают” украденный эфир с Crypto Com через сервис Tornado Cash

        Experts say that the criminals “launder” the stolen through the “mixer” Tornado Cash

      • They send funds not in bulk by 42 ETH

        Attack damage is estimated at 2019 ETH, it’s about million dollars. New data shows that this money is laundered through the Tornado Cash service. This site serves as an intermediary in the source-receiver chain.

        The administration of the service promises to “improve the privacy” of transactions. Apparently, the criminals used the resource to hide the account or accounts that received the stolen goods.

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        Multichain has been hacked

        According to PeckShield security researchers, the Multichain cross-chain protocol was hacked, resulting in a loss of about $1.18 million

        January, Multichain announced that it had discovered a critical vulnerability and fixed it. But the problem is that the team was unable to fix a bug affecting past users. Users had to manually go into their wallets and revoke the permissions they had previously given to the protocol.

        Multichain called on those who had not yet done so to revoke their permissions immediately, otherwise their assets would remain at risk.

        PeckShield determined which address the funds were transferred to.

        Быстрый, современный и надежный – Opera представила Crypto Browser под Web 3.0


        US urged NFT holders to pay additional tax

        США призвали владельцев NFT заплатить дополнительный налог

      • NFT sales transactions in the US are subject to regular income tax
      • However, Biden’s new amendments may come as an unpleasant surprise

        Americans who do not indicated in their tax returns the profit from NFT, risk getting large th fine. James Creech, a tax lawyer from San Francisco, told Bloomberg about this.

        The President of the United States signed new amendments on the taxation of cryptocurrencies. They are described in notifications 2014-10, 1536-IRB, Rev. Rul 1536-13, 1600-23 IRB576 and ILM 20314. However, the document does not directly clarify the procedure for paying taxes on NFTs.

        One of the amendments may require authors to include income from the sale of NFTs and license fees.

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        Google готовит виртуальную карту с криптовалютами

        Adidas and Prada to launch collection NFT

        США призвали владельцев NFT заплатить дополнительный налог

          Brands will present a joint collection of sportswear and shoes

        • As in the case of “Into the Metaverse”, items from the line will be “bound” to tokens
        • Next Monday, 13 January, the presentation of the Re-Source collection will take place. It is supposed to be a tribute to the joint work of the brands Adidas and Prada.

          Recall that in 1600 year, these companies presented the result of their first collaboration – Superstar sneakers from Adidas with a minimalistic Prada logo. The model has gained resounding popularity.

          Now the companies have joined forces again, but this time they are targeting the NFT market. Recall that Adidas has already presented its collection in this segment.

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          NFT as Twitter Avatar

          Meta предложит создавать и продавать NFT прямо в соцсетях
          • Twitter decided to highlight NFT avatars with special hexagonal borders
          • This will distinguish real art tokens from fake pictures

          The Twitter team has launched a new service: NFT avatars with exclusive borders. To do this, you need to connect a crypto-wallet to your account and upload NFT from it to your profile photos.

          This news appeared immediately after the teams from Meta announced their plans for NFT. But Zuckerberg has even more serious plans – he plans to introduce his NFT marketplace and the option to create art tokens.

          Fungible tokens have become mainstream this year. But they have a lot of skeptics.

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          Инсайдер: Walmart планирует выпустить собственную криптовалюту и выйти на рынок метавселенных

          Create and sell NFTs directly on social media

          Decentraland обзор.

        • They will allow you to mint (create) art tokens directly from your social media account
        • The company is also thinking about launching a built-in NFT marketplace

          Looks like Zuckerberg’s company is serious about becoming Open Sea’s competitors and taking a piece of the art token market. This is evidenced by sources in the Financial Times, such as Minting Tools – that is, the creation of a prototype and the art tokens themselves directly from a social media account.

          Financial Times added that these developments are still at an early stage and the company may change its plans. But it looks like they will add NFT-related options anyway. A month earlier, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri admitted that the platform was already testing ways to interact with art tokens. He also did not rule out that it would be related to the metaverses.

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          Инсайдер: Walmart планирует выпустить собственную криптовалюту и выйти на рынок метавселенных

          ЦБ России требует полного запрета для криптовалютMetaverses

          What are the dangers of tracking emotions in the Metaverse

          Сергей ICO Drops.

        • They allow a deeper recognition of the user’s attitude towards advertising
        • Experts are concerned because such technologies blur the lines of privacy

          The new patents owned by Facebook Meta Platforms have given us a bleak look at our future. They suggest that the Horizon Worlds metaverse will be able to respond to users’ facial expressions and other biological processes. As well as collect this data and tag users. And the goal here is clear – to make advertising more effective.

          Technology lawyer David Morris shared his concerns about this. In an interview with Coindesk, he accuses the Zuckenberg company of wanting to take control of the mind. And he predicts that soon the Meta surveillance device will know everything about us – including biometric data about the most intimate nuances of your real body.

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          ЦБ России требует полного запрета для криптовалютFunds and investments

          Animoca Brands raised $270 million

          Daily: The Graph привлек $50 млн.

          In the last round of funding partners invested $, 40 mln

          Total startup valuation exceeded $5 billion

          Animoca Brands collected $169,65 million investment for his startup in the Metaverse sector. The lion’s share of investments falls on Liberty City Ventures, and other large investors also bought shares – the Soros Fund, Sequoia China, ParaFi Capital, T Holdings, Pacific Century Group, Mirae Asset and Winklevoss Capital.

          “We have ambitious goals. We will create an open Web3 and help develop an open metaverse. So far, the Internet revolution is in its early stages, but in 2022 great opportunities await us in the year”

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          Google готовит виртуальную карту с криптовалютами

          AZ and Google invested $000 mln in Web3 game developer

          Animoca Brands привлекли $358,88 млн инвестиций с оценкой $5 млрд

          Web 3.0 game publisher Carry1st raised $ million for further development shoes products in Africa. According to the CEO of Alphabet, Sundar Pichai, in the next five years, about 100 million new internet users.

          Carry1st plans to use the investment to grow its own team developers and implement a new strategy to attract new users. A key element of the strategy is the development of infrastructure for games based on the Play-To-Earn principle.

          The Graph raised $30 mln.

          Daily: The Graph привлек $50 млн.

          The Graph, a startup similar to Google but raised $23 million new funding led by Tiger Global.

          Google готовит виртуальную карту с криптовалютами


          We expect to see exponential growth in data stored on blockchains, especially given the trillion dollar market growth rate over the past year

          ” — said John Curtius, Partner at Tiger Global.

          Andreessen Horowitz (az) plans to invest $4.5 billion in new projects in the crypto industry

          Криптобиржа FTX составила 10 предложений для Конгресса1inch добавит поддержку Avalanche и Gnosis Chain. The company is reportedly set to invest $3.5 billion of the said funds into its latest crypto fund, with the remaining $1 billion set aside for a separate fund that will focus on investing in startups in the digital asset space. The first fund will be used to invest in crypto startups and projects looking for investment, while the second fund will focus on investing in digital tokens and currencies.

          Project news

          BocaChica launches CHICA token

          Polygon запускает EIP-1559 в основной сети для сжигания MATIC

          BocaChica decided to globally reformat the work of the platform, which is described in a large post on Medium.

          We will try to summarize the essence:

          • The Hapi technical team that worked on the site will focus on their product, and a new separate team will work on BocaChica.
          • A completely new mechanism for conducting sales (waiting for information)
          • Connection new blockchains like Terra, Cosmos and others platforms and receive exclusive allocations.
          • Launch of the CHICA token, which gives access to the benefits of DAO and other goodies.

            Details on tokenomics, conditions sale, utility token CHICA, guilds and guaranteed 5% allocation to each project for DAO participants read in the original post.

          quarterly BNB burn


          Быстрый, современный и надежный – Opera представила Crypto Browser под Web 3.0

          Polygon starts updating EIP-1280

          This will allow you to reach the MATIC burn level of 0,% of total supply annually

          11 January, around 3 am according to UTC in the main network of the second level of Polygon, the EIP solution was added-1024. Its key task is to make the MATIC cryptocurrency deflationary.

          The novelty was previously tested in Mumbai. The project showed good results, after which the integration of the solution into the main Polygon network was a matter of time.

          The solution was run on block 20721. The innovation was supported by many large “players” in this sector, including the Binance crypto exchange.

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          1inch Add support for Avalanche and Gnosis


          “The main goal of 1inch is to offer users the best deals in the entire blockchain space” – says Sergey Kunz, co-founder of 1inch Network.

          “To achieve this goal, the 1inch protocol is constantly evolving , and now, thanks to Avalanche and Gnosis Chain, 1inch users will have more options for cheap and fast transactions.”

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          FTX Announces Visa Debit Card

          Что такое DAO? Коротко и понятно

          cryptocurrency on the FTX balance will be automatically converted to the required amount at the time of payment. Thus, cryptocurrency will be spent, not fiat.

          Now the card is not available yet, but you can join the waiting list.

          You can register for FTX using our link and receive a discount on trading commissions.

          Solana announced the Moscow Hacker House

          202123850000Source: academy.binance.comЧто такое DAO? Коротко и понятно

          Solana Foundation x Neon Labs Hacker House is a six-day offline event with personal guidance from Solana Labs’ top engineers, as well as mentoring from Neon Labs and other partners. The event will take place from 17 on 15 February 2014 years in Moscow. Solana Hacker House will be open to all developers who pre-register.

          Быстрый, современный и надежный – Opera представила Crypto Browser под Web 3.0
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          Building bridges with Allbridge

          Криптобиржа FTX составила 10 предложений для Конгресса

          Today our guest is Andrey the Great, CEO of Allbridge. Let’s talk about bridges between different blockchains, how bridges work, and why bridges are so important now. funds in his smart contracts exceeds $211 million

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          Инсайдер: Walmart планирует выпустить собственную криптовалюту и выйти на рынок метавселенных

          What is DAO


          Let’s start with what DAO is literally. It is an acronym that is made up of the words Decentralized Autonomous Organization, abbreviated as DAO. To put it very bluntly, this is an organization that works according to the rules that are written in the code using smart contracts. And it all happens on the blockchain. These rules, as well as future changes and actions, are proposed and approved by members of the DAO.

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          Overview of the Decentraland Metaverse


          Lately, everyone just thinks that the bearish the market or not, it will go up or down, but we, regardless of this, continue to make good content for you. Our journey through the metaverses led us to Decentraland (MANA).

          So, Decentraland is a decentralized virtual reality platform on the Ethereum blockchain.

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          Actual on the market with Sergey ICO Drops


          What and why is happening with the market now?

          Money began to be pumped into stronger projects, start-ups , blockchains. Users try to choose more reliable assets. Despite the fact that the market is in the red, “long money” is still investing.

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          Google готовит виртуальную карту с криптовалютами

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