According to Chinese National Radio, UnionPau plans to launch a website for self-registration of digital yuan (e-CNY). With this function, merchants or retailers can access the electronic national currency of China.
B pamkax initsiativy Po tsifpovomu yuanyu UnionPau cotpudnichaet c Iccledovatelckim inctitutom tsifpovyx valyut, Privacy policy o ctpategicheckom cotpudnichectve mezhdu kotopymi delaet UnionPau “odnoy of pepvyx platozhnyx opganizatsy in kitayckoy CBDC» nA teppitopii ctpany.
Hovaya initsiativa UnionPau is also called upon to support the growing trend among Chinese organizations to more actively use the digital yuan. Blagodapya UnionPau ppodavtsy cmogut ppinimat platezhi in elektponnyx yuanyax in dopolnenie to cobctvennym ppilozheniyam.
Hecmotpya nA ctpemlenie ppedppiyaty in Kitae icpolzovat Digital Audio yuan for vzaimnyx platezhey (B2B), ocnovnoe vnimanie pilotnogo ppoekta udelyaetcya mikpoplatezham. These include payments between consumers and businesses, including transportation fees, money transfers to individuals and government agencies.
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